Superior DGPS Performance Under the Canopy 

Introducing the newest addition to the CMT GPS products line.  The RT-GPS is an integrated GPS and Beacon Receiver Antenna.  Every portion of the GPS andBeacon Receiver is encapsulated in the RT-GPS antenna.  This unique system eliminates the need for any bulky backpacks or waist packs.



RT-MC Mapper 3.8 Package RT-PC Mapper 5.5 Package
List Price: $3,185.00 $2,850.00
GPS receiver: 8 channel 8 channel
DGPS Beacon Receiver: Yes
Integrated in the GPS Antenna
Integrated in the GPS Antenna
Professional GPS/GIS: Yes Yes
Mapping Accuracy: DGPS (Typical):  1 - 3 m  
Field Data Collector: 

Yes, MC5-Mapper

We recommend purchasing a Pen-based or standard laptop computer

Field Software:

Yes, CMT Field 3.7 Included

Yes, CMT PC-Mapper 5.5 
Windows-based GIS/GPS with Integrated GPS/GIS 
Field software 

On-board Traverse:



1 MB standard
2, 4 ,8  MB optional

Will vary depending on the which laptop is used
Records Points, 
Lines, and Areas:


GPS/GIS Mapping Software:
Microsoft Windows® based 
Yes, PC-GPS 3.8 Included Yes, CMT PC-Mapper 5.5 
with Integrated GPS/GIS 
Field software 


System Features
- 8-channel L1 frequency
- Integrated Beacon receiver and GPS receiver
- Waterproof, dustproof, shockproof
- Superior performance under tree canopy

NMEA / Barcode Device Interface Capabilities
NMEA 0183 output 
The RT-GPS will send out a NMEA 0183 message that can be interpreted by all CMT GPS units and NMEA compatible data collectors.  In the NMEA Setup screen, you have complete control over the baud rate and protocol settings.

- Two 9-pin RS-232 serial ports, PC/AT pinout.
- The
MC5-Mapper has two waterproof DB-9 RS-232 serial ports (COM1: and COM2:) for communication with your PC as well as a variety of additional input and output devices such as:

Efficient Data Entry with Bar Code Input  
Attach a bar code scanner to the MC5-Mapper or pen-based computer and you can quickly enter data. Bar code menus can be set up in such a way that you never need to touch the March keyboard.

MC5 Data Collector 
with CMT Field v3.8
- Waterproof (submersible)
- Operating temperature: -40°C to 54°C
- 1 MB RAM standard (2, 4, 8 MB optional)
- 8 line x 21 character backlit display
- Interfaces to laser rangefingers, barcode readers and various NMEA devices
- Two 9-pin RS-232 serial ports, PC/AT pinout

CMT Field Software v3.8
(RT-MC-Mapper Package Only)
- Collect Points, Lines Areas
- Feature/Attribute/Value GIS structure
- Graphic plotting.
- Traversing keyboard data entry to allow you to continue mapping when GPS is obstructed
- Offset function to map hard-to-reach locations.
- Nested point function for tagging points while you are mapping a Line or Area Feature.
- Averaging function to optimize accuracy while recording static points.
- LLA/UTM/SPC plus user-defined coordinates.
- Supports 50 datums plus user-defined datums.
- Provides area calculation in the field
- Interfaces to laser rangefinders, barcode readers and various NMEA devices
- Canyon, Blockage and Clear modes for optimal tracking performance

The RT-MC Mapper 3.8 Package includes CMT's PC-GPS 3.8 software for comprehensive GPS project management and mapping. PC-GPS 3.7 provides functions for Mapping, Mission Planning, Batch Differential Correction, Static Point "Spread" analysis and Job Editing. The software also supports GIS layering, raster images (i.e. DOQs, DRGs, aerial photographs, satellite imagery), multimedia objects (OLE 2.0) and Microsoft® ODBC.

The RT-PC Mapper 5.5 Package includes CMT's PC-Mapper 5.5 software for comprehensive GPS project management and mapping. PC-Mapper 5.5 provides functions for Mapping, Mission Planning, Batch Differential Correction, Static Point "Spread" analysis, Job Editing and Integrated Field GPS/GIS software. The software also supports GIS layering, raster images (i.e. DOQs, DRGs, aerial photographs, satellite imagery), multimedia objects (OLE 2.0) and Microsoft® ODBC. 

System Accuracy Specifications

Real-Time Differential (DGPS):
DGPS (RMS) 2 m
DGPS (typical) 1 - 3 m
Receiver Physical
   Operating temperature: -25°C to 55°C
Battery Consumption: 2100 mAH Battery - Up to 7 hours of operation
4500 mAH Battery - Up to 15 hours of operation
Humidity: 95% non-condensing