Instructions for Vectorized quad map/DRG Demonstration

  1. Before you start, you will need to already have:
    a) PC-Mapper version 5.5 with a hardware key (GPS-KEYPRO).
    b) Downloaded copy of the vectdemo_55.exe

  2. Double-click on the vectdemo_55.exe file.

  3. Choose “Unzip”. When finished unzipping, choose “Close”.

  4. Start PC-Mapper 5.5 from either the Start Menu or by double-clicking on the desktop icon.

  5. PC-Mapper 5.5 will be launched.

  6. An example file has been prepared for you. In PC-Mapper 5.5, choose “File/Open” and find the file called: “vectorized_demo.fmp”. This file will be found in the ‘pcmap55’ folder. Select this file and then choose “Open”.

  7. The file will be displayed along with the vectorized quad map in the background. The file contains a few points delineating Section corners for Section 29. The vectorized quad map contains multiple layers. The layers that should be displayed for this sample are the “Contour Lines” and “Vectorized DRG”.

  8. View the Section layer. To turn on and off different vectorized basemap layers, simply right-click anywhere on the map and choose “BaseMap Option”. The BaseMap Display Option dialog box will be displayed. All layers currently displayed in the map will have a check mark next to them. Options for the vectorized quad map are found near the bottom. These options include: Contour Lines, Contour Regions, Section, Auto-loaded Images, Vectorized DRG, and Township/Range. Place a check mark in the option for “Section” to turn on the Sections layer and click OK. The Sections layer will be displayed with a transparent fill pattern for each section. The Sections are automatically labeled and may be clicked on for quick identification. Note: the Sections layer is underneath the contour lines layer. To see the Section number, you can turn off the contour lines layer or click on an area of the Section in between contour lines. For convenience, the township/range boundaries are also displayed with the Section layer. Township/Range boundaries may be viewed independently by turning off the Section layer and turning on the Township/Range layer.

  9. View the Contour Regions. First, zoom out two levels by selecting the “zoom out” tool and then clicking twice in the center of the screen. The approximate scale will now be 1”:3000’. Right-click on the map and choose “BaseMap Option”. This time uncheck the options for Section and Township/Range (if selected) and Vectorized DRG. Check the option for “Contour Region” (make sure Contour Lines is still checked). Click OK. The map display will be updated to show a colorful representation of the topography of the quad. Advanced users may assign their own color scheme under the View/Basemap/DEM Color Setup option.

  10. View the Encoded DRG/Raster Image and Relief Map. Right-click on the map and choose “BaseMap Option”. Check “Auto-Loaded Images” and uncheck Contour Regions. For “Auto-Loaded Images”, there are 2 sub-options: Encoded DRG/Raster Image and Relief Map Overlay. The encoded image can be any raster image that has been encoded. For this example, the selected raster image is an actual raster DRG. You can see the difference in quality between the raster and vectorized DRG. The Relief Map Overlay is a 3D image that assists in visualizing the terrain.


Contact Brooks McKee today for information on ordering your own set of vectorized quad maps.
PH: (541) 752-5456 FAX: (541) 752-4117 EMAIL: