4 PC-Mapper is a super-set of PC-GPS and
4 Real-Time Navigation
Track your real-time GPS position on top of BaseMaps or other georeferenced
Moving Map - Auto adjusting to orient and scroll map as you move along.
Navigate along a pre-defined route or select any destination on-the-fly.
Works with any GPS with NMEA-183 output and all CMT GPS receivers.
4 Field/Office GPS/GIS Data Collection
With built-in Field software, PC-Mapper provides an all-in-one source
for professional mapping.
Collect Features/Attributes/Values with BaseMaps and aerial photos in the
4 Auto Routing
Select a start and end point and let PC-Mapper calculate the most
efficient route.
Follow along the route with turn-by-turn directions (including time and
4 Stakeout Function
Perform point, line, offset, and slope stakeout.
4 COGO Functions
More than 20 powerful functions are available including:
Intersection, Traverse, Curves, etc.
4 Contour/Volume Functions
Use your GPS data to generate accurate Contour maps.
Compute Cut and Fill Volumes in the field.
4 Single & Dual Frequency
Post-Processing (Differential Correction)
Provides multiple levels of differential correction including:
CA Code, Carrier Phase, OTF Carrier Phase, and Vector Net